What? Upgrade an Ubuntu Proxmox container. How? 1. Go into your CT. 2. Check your distribution: or 3. Update and upgrade all the packages: 4. Finally do the upgrade: Several questions will be asked. Leaving default for a fresh system
OTRS Community Edition Continuation
OTRS Software Solutions discontinued the development of OTRS Community Edition. The ((OTRS)) Community Edition (version 6.0.30) was declared end of life (EOL) at the end of December 2020. There are though several projects which continue the open source development of
GPT Zero
Tools to detect AI generated texts, such as by GPT: Others: Resources
Docket Cheet Sheet
Git: Make branch become the master
Resources https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2763006/make-the-current-git-branch-a-master-branch https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/using-branches/merge-strategy https://stackabuse.com/git-merge-branch-into-master/ https://git-scm.com/docs/git-merge