DRDB is a shared storage through network mirroring. It is a well established system great for fail-over solutions. Recommended to be used with HartBeat. Resources Philipp Reisner: DRBD v8 – Replicated Storage with Shared Disk Semantics, 18th September 2005. URL:
Hľadáte “Venture Capital” spoločnosti na Slovensku
Fond GPEF je tzv. “venture capital fund”, ktorý investuje do nádejných podnikov, samozrejme s cieľom v budúcnosti túto svoju investíciu čo možno najviac zhodnotiť. Poskytuje možnosť získať potrebný kapitál pre ďalší rast, aj pre slovenské nádejné projekty, v dohodnutej forme
Why is Amavis NOT adding X-Spam tags into your e-mails?
Problem Using amavisd-new you set the $sa_tag_level_deflt switch to “undef” or to “-999”. After Amavis restart (or config reload) this should result into a behavior when each email contains X-Spam tags. But unfortunately there are no X-Spam tags in the
How to manually check if IP is listed in a Block List?
You can use any manual DNS tool, such as “host” or “dig”. You simply check if a DNS entry of type A exist in a respective DNS zone of the BlockList. For example for SpamHaus you check the *.zen.spamhaus.org zone.
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning
The Problem Java installed on an OpenVZ container. When a user executes a Java CLI application, the following warning is displayed as a first line of standard output: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: Can’t detect initial thread stack location –