RapidSSL http://www.rapidssl.com/ – It is cheap $199/year wildcard certificate. – It has a test version for 30-days. – You certificate resale. Others: GoDaddy, GlobalSign or Comodo certificate http://www.instantssl.com/ – powered by Comodo http://eshop.advanced.sk/ – Comodo na Slovensku http://www.geotrust.com/ssl/ Comodo, Go
Postfix RPM Builds
On the following list you will find RPM pre-build packages for different Linux distributions: http://postfix.wl0.org/
Installation of CPAN Modules
Installation of Perl modules is simple. You use cpan command as follows: # cpam <ModuleName> For example to install Net::Server::Mail module (a Perl-based mail server) you execute the following command: # cpan Net::Server::Mail References http://search.cpan.org/~guimard/Net-Server-Mail-0.17/lib/Net/Server/Mail.pm
Eclipse: EPIC – Eclipse Perl Integration
For the impatient: Select Help > Software Updates… in Eclipse, add the update site http://e-p-i-c.sf.net/updates/testing and follow the on-screen instructions. References: http://www.epic-ide.org/download.php
SVN: svn+ssh How To
Upon first use of svn command there will be a .subversion directory created in your home dir. Various SVN accesses are defined there. Only svn+ssh is predefined – it expects to have a $SVN_SSH variable available which contains path to