LSI/3ware CLI (version Note and Warning: Outputs and commands are system specific! Do not simply copy and paste commands unless you know what you are doing! You may destroy your data! Show controllers: //nas> show Ctl Model (V)Ports Drives
CheatSheet: parted
Run the program # parted /dev/sdX Set the default unit: (parted) unit s Print current partition table: (parted) print Model: AMCC 9650SE-24M DISK (scsi) Disk /dev/sde: 8000GB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B Partition Table: gpt Disk Flags: Number Start End Size
PhpStorm Setup for Phalcon development
Steps to take before one starts developing a Phalcon project in PhpStorm: 1. Highlight Volt syntax in PHPStorm Volt is a Phalcon’s template engine. Volt structure is very similar to Twig, therefore we can use Twig highlighting fo any *.volt files.
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