Remove any text but numbers: $ echo “123test456.ext” | sed -e s/[^0-9]//g 123456 To get all digits grouped: $ echo “123test456.ext” | egrep -o [0-9]+ 123 456 Remove zeros from the string begining: old=”0004937″# sed removes leading zeroes from stdinnew=$(echo
Aligning RAID to filesystem needs
Resources Aligning IO on a hard disk RAID – the Theory
Hranica príjmu pre platenie odvodov pre SZČO
Sociálne poistenie musia SZČO platiť od 1. júla po roku, za ktorý ich príjem z podnikania a inej samostatnej zárobkovej činnosti presiahne určitú výšku. Tou hranicou je podľa zákona zárobok vyšší ako 12-násobok 50 % priemernej mesačnej mzdy za kalendárny
Running Your Own RBL DNS
Setting up the RBLDNSD Running Your Own RBL DNS Blacklist rbldnsd: Small Daemon for DNSBLs Does postfix cache RBL queries? Other Resources Is it possible to create an own DNS-Blacklist? How to create your own RBL DNS Blacklist to prevent
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
Problem During apt-get update (which tries to install or update any Perl application) you get the following error message: perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = (unset), LC_ALL = (unset), Analysis When