aptitude Resources: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/01/04/package-management-with-apt-ubuntu-all-versions/
ExtGWT: Getting Started Guide
ExtGWT provides extended widgets for GWT application. The goal of this guide is to setup GWT, ExtGWT and Jetty application server. Table of Contents Requirements Installation Instructions
Good msec How-To Link
msec is a Mandrake/Mandriva (another RedHat-based Linux distribution) security utility. msec can give you a good hedache if you do not know about it. A good msec howto is here: http://www.linode.com/wiki/index.php/Msec_Howto
Obnoviteľné zdroje energie
Wind Map of Europe: http://www.wunderground.com/global/Region/EU/WindSpeed.html Actual Wind Speed in Slovak Towns: http://www.wunderground.com/global/S1.html Sektor solárnej energie chce záväzné regulácie http://www.euractiv.sk/energetika/clanok/sektor-solarnej-energie-chce-zavazne-regulacie Návrh Stratégie vyššieho využitia obnoviteľných zdrojov energie v SR – nové znenie (Materiál z rokovania vlády SR) http://www.rokovania.sk/appl/material.nsf/0/92AF7F8727FE82ECC12572C30041823C?OpenDocument CMM IMPORT EXPORT