Have you ever needed to graphically monitor the number of POP3/IMAP connections? couriergraph is exactly what you need.
It is a single Perl script, which needs to be executed like this:
# /usr/local/couriergraph/couriergraph.pl -l /var/log/mail/info --rrd-name=/var/couriergraph/couriergraph -d
The following are the most important switches:
-l – specifies the mail log to be monitored
–rrd-name – specifies the file where the RRD database will be written; BEWARE: You specify /var/couriergraph/couriergraph, but the file will be /var/couriergraph/couriergraph.rrd
-d – makes the program to run in background (deamonized)
For complete list execute:
$ couriergraph.pl --help
couriergraph will gather the POP3/IMAP stats (and also POP3S/IMAPS) into an RRD file. Then it generates up-to-date graphs in PNG format embedded into HTML files. It generates daily/weekly/monthly and yearly stats. Here is an example of a daily graph:
- Couriergraph http://www.arschkrebs.de/postfix/couriergraph/