Proces the content of /etc/passwd file field by field
Here IFS sets the “internal field delimiter” to “:”, but only inside the while loop. You must NOT reset it to the original value.
while IFS=: read name passwd uid gid fullname ignore do echo "$name ($fullname)" done < ${TMP} # I/O redirection.
Do some actions for secrtain files:
Comparison with shell
If you read “man test” you’ll note that the “=” comparison operator is for strings, while “-eq” is used for numerical comparisons.
If you want to get really fancy, you can also write your code as (not tested, so try at your own risk):
[ $choice -eq 1 -a $choice1 -eq 0 ] && while [ $target -ne 2 ] ; do
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide (also in PS, PDF, HTML). URL:
Some ‘bash’ Magic