Mastering IPTables, Part I.
Is ASSP better than SpamAssasin?
As far as I read, ASSP is a great competitor to SpamAssasin. I will give it a chance on my test server and I will generate a report about it. ASSP with ClamAV (make sure you use the Sane Security
POP3/IMAP Graphical Statistics
Have you ever needed to graphically monitor the number of POP3/IMAP connections? couriergraph is exactly what you need. Execution It is a single Perl script, which needs to be executed like this: # /usr/local/couriergraph/ -l /var/log/mail/info –rrd-name=/var/couriergraph/couriergraph -d Switches The
Some Joomla Links
Joomla Templates URL: Jomla Language URL: Multi-language support for Joomla URL:,com_mtree/task,viewlink/link_id,460/Itemid,35/ Many good open-source projects URL:
Open-source IMAP server Comparision
There are generally three major IMAPd open-source servers – namely Dovecot, Cyrus and Courier. Herein I sum-up the pros and cons of each of them (based on my experiences and on the things I read): 1. Dovecot Pros: Cons: 2.