FPDF FPDF is a PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with pure PHP, that is to say without using the PDFlib library. Resources FPDF Homepage. http://fpdf.org/en/home.php Slovak Tutorial. http://pabi3.com/blog/php-tvorba-pdf-dokumentov-s-diakritikou/
BPEL and BPMN Links
The ActiveBPEL http://www.activevos.com/community-open-source.php#BPEL Samples for ActiveBPEL 4.x http://www.activebpel.org/samples/samples-4/samples.php BPMN http://www.bpmn.org/ Business Process Modeling Notation on Wikipedia (Slovak) http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Process_Modeling_Notation BPMN OPverview in Slovak http://www.defm.fmph.uniba.sk/ludia/odrobina/Process_modeling.htm Evaluation of Several BPEL, BPMN anXPDL Editors http://davidkbarker.wordpress.com/2007/11/15/9/ Book about BPMN – BPMN Modeling and Reference Guide
Sieve Mail Filtering GUI
avelsieve Homepage: http://email.uoa.gr/avelsieve/ GUI Screenshots: http://email.uoa.gr/avelsieve/wiki/Screenshots SmartSieve Homepage: http://smartsieve.sourceforge.net/ Screenshots: http://smartsieve.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html
Realtime File System Replication
The following set of links is a result of a short research about existing real-time file system replication tools: DRBD – http://www.drbd.org/ CSync2 http://oss.linbit.com/csync2/ – http://linux-ha.org/DRBD Setup of high availability NFS servers – http://linux-ha.org/HaNFS LVM (Logical Volume Manager) Linux –
Create your own RBL
There are several ways to create your own RBL: This is a simple script which converts a text file with a list of IP addresses into a bind zone http://j-chkmail.ensmp.fr/tools/mk_dnsbl rbldnsd is a small and fast DNS daemon which is